- Project Assistant, MSc
- TU Wien
- Institut für Informationssysteme 184/4
- Favoritenstraße 9–11
- 1040 Wien
- Austria
- Room: HD 03 23
- Phone: +43 (1) 58801 – 740 04
- Email: tran [at] forsyte.at
- Web: forsyte.at/~tran/, TISS
Research Interests
- Formal methods, TLA+, Verification of Fault Tolerant Distributed Algorithms
Current Position
- I am a project assistant in the Formal Methods in Systems Engineering group (FORSYTE). I am also an affiliated student in the Doctoral College Logical Methods in Computer Science, TU Wien. I am currently working with PhD. Igor Konnov to develop a finite-state model checker for TLA+ , under the APLACHE project.
- MSc in Computer Science (European Master's Program in Computational Logic - TU Dresden, FU Bolzano, TU Vienna), master thesis: User-guided Predicate Abstraction of TLA+ Specifications, June 2016
- BSc in Information Technology (University of Science - Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City)