Gabriel Ebner

  • Project Assistant, MSc
  • TU Wien
  • Institut für Diskrete Mathematik und Geometrie
  • Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10
  • 1040 Wien
  • Austria

Research Interests

  • Tree grammars
  • Interactive theorem proving
  • Automated learning of regular grammars
  • Automated theorem proving
  • Formalization of mathematics

Current Position

Current Projects

  • GAPT, a Scala project for proof transformations.
  • Lean, an interactive theorem prover.


  1. G. Ebner, S. Hetzl, A. Leitsch, G. Reis, D. Weller, On the Generation of Quantified Lemmas, 2017, submitted.
  2. S. Eberhard, G. Ebner, S. Hetzl, Algorithmic compression of finite tree languages by rigid acyclic grammars in: ACM Transactions on Computational Logic, 2017, accepted.
  3. G. Ebner, S. Hetzl, G. Reis, M. Riener, S. Wolfsteiner, and S. Zivota, System Description: GAPT 2.0, in: International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning 2016.


  • MSc in Mathematics (TU Wien)
  • BSc in Mathematics (TU Wien)