Francesco Antonio Genco

  • I am now a postdoc at IHPST (Institute for the History and Philosophy of Science and Technology), University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, I am working on the project Insights from Bolzano.

  • Address:
    • University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
    • IHPST (UMR 8590)
    • 13 rue du Four, 75006 Paris, France

Research Interests

  • Proof theory, non-classical logics, philosophy, and computation.



  1. Intermediate Logics and Concurrent Lambda Calculi: A Proof-Theoretical Approach (Doctoral dissertation). TU Wien. 2019.
  2. Classical Proofs as Parallel Programs. Federico Aschieri, Agata Ciabattoni and Francesco A. Genco. GandALF 2018.
  3. Hypersequents and Systems of Rules: Embeddings and Applications. Agata Ciabattoni and Francesco A. Genco. TOCL, vol. 19, issue 2. 2018.
  4. Gödel logic: from natural deduction to parallel computation. Federico Aschieri, Agata Ciabattoni and Francesco A. Genco. LICS 2017, pp. 1–12. 2017.
  5. Understanding prescriptive texts: rules and logic elaborated by Mīmāṃsā school. Agata Ciabattoni, Elisa Freschi, Francesco A. Genco and Björn Lellmann. Journal of World Philosophies, vol. 2, num. 1, pp. 47–66. 2017.
  6. Embedding formalisms: hypersequents and two-level systems of rules. Agata Ciabattoni and Francesco A. Genco. Advances in Modal Logic, vol. 11, pp. 197–216. 2016.
  7. Mīmāṃsā deontic logic: proof theory and applications. Agata Ciabattoni, Elisa Freschi, Francesco A. Genco and Björn Lellmann. TABLEAUX 2015, pp. 323–338. 2015.