The following GROUPS at TU Wien focus on CI research:
The following INSTITUTIONS provide additional support for CI research by funding talks, conferences, etc.:
The largest EVENT in the history of logic, the Vienna Summer of Logic, will take place in July 2014!
Visiting professors (selection)
Petr Cintula, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague/CZ, 2013-14
Libor Behounek, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic/University of Ostrava, Prague & Ostrava/CZ, 2013-14
Nick Galatos, University of Denver, Denver/US, 2013-14
Norbert Preining, JAIST, Kanazawa/JP, 2013-14
Diego Calvanese, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bozen/IT, 2013-14
Selected Research Projects
The fruitful research environment is best described by the numerous ongoing projects that have been acquired in the last couple of years. The largest research projects at the moment are:
- RiSE: Rigorous systems engineering (2010 – ) The National Research Network “RiSE: Rigorous systems engineering” is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). RiSE investigates techniques beyond classical model checking and a-posteriori verification. Principal Investigators (TU Wien): Uwe Egly, Helmut Veith
- Heisenbugs: From Detection to Explanation (2012 – 2020) Heisenbugs are software bugs that defy attempts to analyse their causes. The project, funded by a WWTF Vienna Research Groups for Young Investigators grant, is concerned with the detection, reproduction, and explanation of intricate error scenarios in concurrent programs and embedded systems. Project leader: Georg Weißenbacher
- COMPLEX REASON (2010 – 2014) The aim of this project, which is funded by an ERC Starting Grant, is to devise new efficient algorithms for reasoning problems and to gain new theoretical insights into the question of what makes a reasoning problem hard, and what makes it easy. We study reasoning problems within the framework of Parameterized Complexity, a new and rapidly emerging field of Algorithms and Complexity. Parameterized Complexity takes structural aspects of problem instances into account which are most significant for empirically observed problem-hardness. Most of the considered reasoning problems are intractable in general, but the real-world context of their origin provides structural information that can be made accessible to algorithms in form of parameters. This makes Parameterized Complexity an ideal setting for the analysis and efficient solution of these problems that we want to explore. Project leader: Stefan Szeider
- Non classical proofs: theory, applications and tools (2011 – 2017) The aim of this project, which is funded by a START prize (Austrian Science Fund, FWF), is to develop theoretical and engineering tools for automatically extracting analytic calculi for non classical logics from Hilbert-style systems. The resulting tools will be utilized to systematically investigate non classical logics. Various results, currently proved in a logic-specific fashion, will be established in a uniform way for large classes of logics. Our focus will not be on particular calculi, logics or algebras, but on general and uniform results whose instantiations are expected (i) to help logic users in the spirit of ‘logic engineering’, and (ii) to solve open questions on specific logics, calculi or algebras. Project leader: Agata Ciabattoni
- Structure and Expressivity (2013 – 2021) This project, which is funded by a WWTF Vienna Research Groups for Young Investigators grant, is concerned with the proof-theoretic analysis of inductive proofs. Its aim is to develop a radically new approach to the automation of proof by induction based on a mathematical investigation of the combinatorial structure of formal proofs. One approach we intend to pursue to that aim is to characterize provability in inductive theories in terms of formal language theory. Project leader: Stefan Hetzl
- DIADEM The project, an ERC Advanced Investigator Grant, aims to develop domain-specific data extraction systems that take as input a URL of a website in a particular application domain, automatically explore the web site, and deliver as output a structured data set containing all the relevant information present on that site. Project leader: Georg Gottlob
- Dekomposition und Dynamische Programmierung für komplexe Berechnungsprobleme Project leader: Stefan Woltran