
The LogiCS program is funded by the Austrian Science Fund (Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, FWF). In accordance with FWF regulations and the collective bargaining agreement of the Austrian universities, the doctoral students will be employed as a researcher at a yearly salary of EUR 21,284.48 after taxes and social/health insurance deductions (effective January 2017; the average Austrian salary over all age groups is EUR 20,543.00). There are additional salary supplements and tax deductions for families with children.


Austria has a compulsory social security system, which provides accident and health insurance as well as retirement and social benefits. All LogiCS students are insured with the Versicherung öffentlicher Bediensteter, which provides accident and health insurance. Pension contributions/retirement benefits are regulated by the social security act (ASVG).

Tuition Fees

TU Vienna, TU Graz and JKU doctoral students from Austria, EU or EEA countries, and students with a residence permit for researchers are exempt from tuition fees for four years. All doctoral students of the LogiCS program fall into one of these categories. Tuition fees are waived even after four years for students who are citizens of lesser developed countries, refugees, disabled people, or in the case of primary care of children up to the age of seven.


All students will be provided with office space and a PC at their respective institutions. Our facilities are equipped with recently renovated meeting rooms, student lounges, libraries, and kitchens which encourage social interaction.

Relocation and Visa Arrangements

As a consequence of their employment as a researcher (see above), students from non-EU countries will obtain a residence permit for researchers. As future employees of TU Vienna, TU Graz, or JKU Linuz, students from abroad are eligible to apply for a relocation grant from the FFG, covering up to EUR 2,000 of relocation cost. The team at TU Vienna has ample experience in supporting visa applications, search for student housing, and other practical issues of student life in Austria.

Joint Courses

Students of each of the participating institutions are entitled to participate in courses at the respective other universities. This will be encouraged by providing intensive courses (e.g., duration of two weeks, with a schedule comparable to a summer school) held every year. The commute between the cities of Linz, Graz, and Vienna is at most 2.5 hours by car or public transport. The LogiCS program will provide financial support for this purpose.

Dual-Career Support

Since the LogiCS students are either holders of a residence permit for researchers or EU citizens, their spouses are eligible for a work permit in Austria. The FFG provides Dual Career Grants for the integration of the student’s partner. Spouses of LogiCS PhD students will be invited to social activities organized by the program.

Research Placement Abroad

The LogiCS scientific coordinator will support students with planning their research stay abroad. The employment of the students is not interrupted during the placement.

Gender Mainstreaming

To enhance the careers of our female students, we will provide special meetings for networking and mentoring, where students will be informed about programs specifically targeting female researchers (such as the FWF funded “Hertha Firnberg” and “Elise Richter” programs, or designated women research assistant positions at TU Vienna).


TU Vienna is running a bilingual Kindergarten (open 7am-7pm), with 80 children, divided into 4 groups (age 1-6). The Kindergarten is located within 5 minutes walking distance of TU Vienna. Similarly, TU Graz as well as JKU Linz provide flexible (by the hour) childcare also available during summer, and TU Graz also runs a nursery. In addition, the working times for our PhD students are flexible.