COVID-19 related health and safety measures

The TU Wien, which is running the LogiCS PhD program, is in constant contact with the competent authorities to monitor the development of the COVID-19 situation in Austria.

In connection with the decisions of the Federal Government on the successive withdrawal of the COVID-19 restrictions from June 22, there are no more access restrictions at the TU Wien. The safety and protection requirements known to ensure the health of all persons working at the TU Wien, in particular the minimum safety distance and the hygiene requirements, must be observed in any case by all members of the TU Wien.

Health and safety measures

In the time period of increased focus on health and safety measures, the following points are to be considered as valid, until they are recalled:

  • The LogiCS will deliver a mix of face-to-face and online meetings and courses, with social distancing measures in place. The PhD candidates, as employees of the TU Wien, will be able to work at their workplaces, as well as in home-office.
  • The most important protective measure against COVID-19 infections is a safety distance of at least 1 m. The minimum distance between workplaces is 1,5 m in offices and 2 m in laboratories and workshops.
  • The wearing of mouth and nose protection masks (MNP masks) is obligatory in all general premises if contact with other persons is very likely and it cannot be ensured that the necessary safety distance is maintained.
  • Physical contacts should be restricted by adjusting the working hours of employees.
  • Regular, thorough washing of hands with soap is one of the basic hygiene measures.
  • For additional and detailed information please click here

COVID-19 and entering Austria

For information about how to enter Austria without or with visa please access the information on the official website, which is being updated constantly, here.

The PhD candidates will receive the full support of the LogiCS staff in the onboarding process which is being adapted.