Anna Lukina

Postdoc | Henzinger Group
Institute of Science and Technology Austria
Am Campus 1 | 3400 Klosterneuburg | Austria

Research Interests: Statistical Model Checking, Verification and Control of Multi-Agent Cyber-Physical Systems, Machine Learning, Risk Analysis, Artificial Intelligence.

PhD Defence on June 27th! (You can find my PhD Thesis here)

Research Visits:

15/05/17 - 31/07/17: Prof. George Pappas, GRASP Lab, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

3/09/17 - 31/12/17: Prof. Joost-Pieter Katoen, MOVES Group, RWTH Aachen University, Germany.

01/02/18 - 31/05/18: Prof. Fuyuki Ishikawa, Ishikawa Lab, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan.

       11/02/19 - 12/03/19: Prof. James Bailey, Prof. Peter J. Stuckey, Dr. Emir Demirović, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia

About Me: 

Working primarily in the field of Control and Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems I collaborate with researchers in Europe as well as in the US. In particular, approximate techniques have recently become increasingly important and is of great interest to me given my previous research in Stochastic Analysis and Computer Science and work experience in Statistical Methods. My project aims at developing intelligent algorithms for safety and resiliency of multi-agent cyber-physical systems. The framework I propose has as its core an optimization-based control that adapts to the cost/reward value of the current system state.

Apart from my academic activities, I am a very social person interested in promoting collaborations among researchers in between different fields. I have successfully organized workshops and social events for the Austrian Society of Rigorous System Engineering, as well as other scientific communities, of which I am a proud member. Take a look at my first experience of making a 3D-mapping installation for the Vienna Ball of Sciences 2019. You can also find out more about my career story in DerStandard Special "Warum so wenige Frauen Den Code knacken wollen".

Extracurricular I am passionate about bouldering and brutalist architecture.

Current Projects:

RiSE/SHiNE (Rigorous Systems Engineering, FWF). Probabilistic Analysis of Distributed Systems.

Flocking (in collaboration with Stony Brook University).

Plan synthesis for cyber-physical systems (in collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania)

Model-checking of Markov decision processes (in collaboration with RWTH Aachen University)

Meta-heuristic optimization for drone teams (in collaboration with ERATO MMSD)


  • Travel cost subsidy "Doktorandinnen ans Rednerpult" from TU Wien: EUR 1000 to give a talk at Federated Logic Conference 2018, Oxford, UK.
  • Travel bursary from FLoC 2018: USD 300 to attend Verification and Mentoring Workshop.
  • Travel bursary from Liverpool University: GBP 300 to give a talk at VaVAS Workshop 2018.
  • IJCAI-17 DC Travel Funding: EUR 1000 to participate in Doctoral Consortium.
  • AAAI-17 DC Scholarship Funding: USD 1000 to participate in Doctoral Consortium.
  • Travel Grant from COST (European Association in Science and Technology): For Attending ARVI COST Summer School on Runtime Verification, Madrid, Spain.
  • Relocation Grant from FFG to start Ph.D. in Vienna.

Selected Publications:


Lukina, A., Tiwari, A., Smolka, S.A., and Grosu, R.: Distributed Adaptive-Neighborhood Control for Stochastic Reachability in Multi-Agent Systems. (In Proc. of SAC 2019).


Lukina, A., Kumar, A., Schmittle, M., Singh, A., Das, J., Rees, S., Buskirk, C. P., Sztipanovits, J., Grosu, R., and Kumar, V.: Formation Control and Persistent Monitoring in the OpenUAV Swarm Simulator on the NSF CPS-VO. (In Proc. of the CPS Week 2018).

Schmittle, M., Lukina, A., Vacek, L., Das, J., Buskirk, C. P., Rees, S., Sztipanovits, J., Grosu, R., Kumar, V.: OpenUAV: A UAV Testbed for the CPS and Robotics Community (In Proc. of CPS Week 2018).


Lukina, A.: Resilient Control and Safety for Multi-Agent Cyber-Physical Systems (In Proc. of IJCAI 2017).

Smolka, S. A., Tiwari, A., Esterle, L., Lukina, A., Yang, J., and Grosu, R.: Attacking the V: on the Resiliency of Adaptive-Horizon MPC (In Proc. of ATVA 2017).

Lukina, A., Esterle, L., Hirsch, C., Bartocci, E., Yang, J., Tiwari, A., Smolka, S.A., and Grosu, R.: ARES: Adaptive Receding-Horizon Synthesis of Optimal Plans (In Proc. of TACAS 2017).

Lukina, A.: V for Verification: Intelligent Algorithm of Checking Reliability of Smart Systems (In Proc. of AAAI 2017).


Kalajdzic, K., Jegourel, C., Lukina, A., Bartocci, E., Legay, A., Smolka, S.A., and Grosu, R.: Feedback Control for Statistical Model Checking of Cyber-Physical Systems. In Proc. of ISoLA 2016).